What do you know about Thomas? Open your Bible, as we explore the man who the world as labeled as, “The Doubter.”
Zach Collins | The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
In the Bible, we find many examples of fathers. Open your Bible, as we explore a good, bad, and ugly example of fathers in the scriptures.
Zach Collins | Labels | The Sons of Thunder
How would like you like to have the nickname, “Sons of Thunder”? Open your Bible, as we explore the significance of this label in their life.
Zach Collins | The Man Who Puts Many Church Members to Shame
How do we compare to Cornelius? Open your Bible, as we discuss the life of Cornelius, which many church members to shame, today.
Zach Collins | Labels | The Tax Collector
Do labels diminish our value to God? Open your Bible, as we explore the life of Matthew, who was labeled by the world as a “tax collector.”
Zach Collins | As I Was Busy Here And There
Are you too busy for the work of the Lord? Open your Bible, as we examine a story about a King of Israel who was accused of being too busy to carry out the work of the Lord.
Zach Collins | Living Modestly In An Immodest World
What does it mean to live modestly? Open your Bible, as we explore one of the least discussed subjects in the church, modesty.
Zach Collins | A Generation That Knows | The Importance of Modesty
The topic of modesty is one of the least discussed subjects in all of the Bible. What does the Bible say about modesty? Open your Bible, as explore three principles concerning modesty in our lives, as Christians.
Zach Collins | Nots That Cannot Be Untied
What is the importance of the word NOT in the Bible? Open your Bible, as we discuss three NOTS that cannot be untied with the holy scriptures.
Redefining Pride, Rainbows, & Love
The world has dubbed this month, “Pride Month”, as an avenue for those of the LGBTQI+ community to express their “pride” and celebrate the lifestyle they have chosen. Through a unified effort, we find ourselves amidst a barrage of pride signs, rainbows, and commercials tailored to fit the universal agenda of normalizing the LGBTQI+ lifestyle. Last year, in the month of June, Maranda and I were fortunate to visit Savanah, Georgia. As we passed by one of the oldest church buildings in the country inhabited by one of the largest denominations in the world, we noticed that a rainbow flag was draped above the door of entry. A colorful warning to those entering the building that the agenda of the LGBTQI+ movement was supported. I was appalled at the shameless show of support. We live in a world that is attempting to redefine terminologies and symbols to use for sinful pursuits and causes. How can we teach our children to love others and rightly handle the prideful activities of this movement? Let me suggest that it begins with defining simple terminology, along with an effort to teach them the fundamentals of the holy scriptures. First, let’s teach them about pride. The world defines pride as a deep pleasure or satisfaction in one’s achievements, qualities, or decisions. However, God defines pride as sin. In fact, one of the seven things that the Lord hates is pride, (Proverbs 8:13). This is the same pride that is celebrated amongst those of the …