This sermon was recorded at the Paintsville church of Christ during our Sunday Morning Worship Service on Sunday, October 6th, 2024.
Zach Collins – (Sinner To Saint) The Eunuch & Saul
Speaker: Zach Collins Title: (10/6/24 PM) Zach Collins – (Sinner To Saint) The Eunuch & Saul The sermon is from our live stream on 10/6/24
Paintsville church of Christ – Sunday Morning Bible Study & Worship – October 6th
Zach Collins – (Sinner To Saint) The Jews & The Samaritans
Speaker: Zach Collins Title: (10/6/24 AM) Zach Collins – (Sinner To Saint) The Jews & The Samaritans The sermon is from our live stream on 10/6/24
The Apple of Sodom
The Apple of Sodom By: Zach Collins The 60th Kentucky Apple Festival is upon us. For those of you who do not know what I am referencing, it is an annual festival that takes place in my hometown, Paintsville, KY. It was created to showcase the best apples grown by local farmers, but because of a successful farmer’s market, it grew into a local festival that occupies our small town once a year. Due to lack of production, not many apple products are sold anymore, but those that still line the streets of downtown Paintsville each year are savory and tasty, bringing to your remembrance great memories of the past and a taste of what once was. The Bible often uses common items, in nature and everyday life, to teach biblical stories. In the parabolic ministry of Jesus, he used families, mustard seeds, vineyards, farming, and fishing, among others. The Apostle Paul was also quite fond of illustrations, using everyday occurrences such as the Olympics, exercise, boxing, and racing to illustrate his inspired revelations. However, sometimes, we run across items in nature that beg to be used as cautionary tales of the consequences that come into our lives by a simple decision. It is called the Calotropis Procera, otherwise known as, the “Apple of Sodom.” Its tree appears spiny and flowery. It springs forth as a healthy tree amid dry land. Once bloomed, a beautiful fruit begins to appear on its branches. While the fruit is referenced as an “apple”, it …
Paintsville church of Christ – Mid-week Bible Study – October 2nd
Zach Collins | Titanic Sinks! (Spiritual Lessons from 12,500 Feet Below the Sea)
This sermon was recorded at the Paintsville church of Christ during our Sunday Evening Worship Service on Sunday, September 29th, 2024.
Paintsville church of Christ – Sunday Evening Worship – September 29th
Zach Collins | The Beauty of Church Unity
This sermon was recorded at the Paintsville church of Christ during our Sunday Morning Worship Service on Sunday, September 29th, 2024.
Paintsville Church of Christ – Sunday Morning Bible Study & Worship – September 29th